Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Gifts - Top 5 Gifts for Kids

The holiday season is coming up, and it's a busy time for everyone. One of the most critical things we have to do to get ready is to shop for gifts, which isn't always easy. We have to rack our brains and search diligently for the perfect gift for family, friends, and co-workers. Luckily, for most adults, if we can't think of anything else, we have the option of falling back on the gift card idea. But for the children in your life, you usually need to get something a bit bigger. After all, opening an envelope to get to a card isn't nearly as fun as tearing open the wrapping paper around a nice present!

If you have no idea what to get your kid recipients this year, take a look at these never-fail suggestions. These include gift ideas, and ways to make each present more personal for individual children.

Games and Toys

This may seem like an obvious answer to the gift-giving question, but I would suggest staying away from the simpler objects. Get toys that have some kind of educational value or that can be played with other children, so that the child can increase their own social skills. For older children, you could select things like the game of Scrabble, or a (more educational or interactive) video game. If you've got a much younger child to get a gift for, choose something that could help teach them how to spell, or how to distinguish between colors. You can feel good about giving these kinds of toys and games. Not only will the child have fun with your gift, but you could also see the item's benefit later in life when they are intelligent and well adjusted.

Stuffed Animals

Plush animals are a favorite of many children, and can really be a particularly great gift. Most children love to collect them, and they're great to play with and keep close at night. Who among us hasn't had a stuffed animal to sleep with at night during some point in our childhood? And you may not realize it, but a plush toy can be educational as well, especially when it comes to younger children. When you get a realistic stuffed version of a real animal, the child will began to learn the features that animal has and will soon be able to identify it correctly in the wild or somewhere else. So they can have fun playing with them, and also increase their knowledge base. Also, the popularity of stuffed animals cannot be denied with the hype over such movies such as Madagascar and The Lion King. For example, get the child a stuffed lion, and they will soon have their very own "Simba." Or, maybe you know that the child wants a pet, but their parents aren't ready to get them one quite yet. Get them an authentic appearing stuffed dog or plush cat. That could be their first step in really understanding the animal, and learning how to take care of something.

Arts & Crafts, and Books

T women's jackets his can be another great idea. Even if the child isn't a little artist, practically all children enjoy such things as coloring books. It's not too difficult for them, but still lets them really use their creativity. Both books and arts & crafts can help inspire imagination and ingenuity. You might be surprised by what they can create! Take them from simply watching cartoons to maybe creating a cartoon of their own! As for books, they also can inspire the imagination and the creative side of the brain. Teach them new things, and increase their reading skills in a way that is still fun!


It seems like every time we turn around, the children in our life have grown another inch. They've probably outgrown last year's winter clothes, which is why getting them a coat or a hat and mittens could be a great gift. And it may seem rather conservative for a child's gift, but it can be fun for them too. Get them clothing in their absolute favorite color, or a piece of clothing that resembles something from their favorite cartoon or movie.


Although not as personal as a plush toy, candy can also be a successful gift for children. Just make sure you know about any allergies they have, so you know what foods to avoid!

So remember, combine the educational and practical with fun, and you'll soon have the perfect gift!